Bijgewerkt 17-7-2024

Gehandicapte Schutters voorzien van de classificatie SH1 of SH2 kunnen uiteraard mee schieten met historische wapens. Informatie hierover is te vinden op de site van de KNSA.

Uitleg Onderdelen welke geschoten worden in district 3


MLAIC onderdelen welke geschoten kunnen worden

a) Military Rifles

Service issue rifles and muskets for use in competitions Nos. 1, 3, 9, 10, 32, 37 and 40 are subject to the following -

     I.         Arms shall be manufactured in accordance with military patterns, in unaltered condition and with original pattern sights.

   II.         Limited alterations to the point of aim are permissible by the use of a replacement blade or sight bearing the same configuration and profile as the original. Alterations to the original sights are not permitted.

III.         Military smooth bore flintlock muskets having a fixed (non-detachable) rear sight are not permitted in competitions No 1 or No 9. The removal of such existing sights is prohibited. Military smooth bore flintlock muskets with rear sights that may be detached without alteration to the firearm may be used with the rear sight removed.

IV.         Set triggers, butt pads, cheek pads, wiping out between shots and loading funnels longer than 100mm are not permitted.

  V.         The bore diameter shall be in excess of 13.5 mm (0.5315").

VI.         It is prohibited to bend the barrels of rifles to alter their point of aim.

VII.         The use of natural fillers such as wheat germ or semolina is permitted.


b) Free Rifles

A free rifle is any original muzzle loading rifle not qualifying as a Military rifle in a) above, with contemporary sights (excluding telescopic or optical) for use in competitions Nos. 4, 8, 15, 17, 20, 24, and are subject to the following -

     I.         Aperture sights (including modern made reproduction sights) are permitted provided their design is consistent with the period of manufacture (1899) and appropriate to the type of firearm. This applies to both rear and front-sights.

   II.         Military rifles of any bore diameter may be used in the above competitions. Where a military rifle is used in such ‘Free Rifles’ events the restrictions on cleaning between shots and the use of funnels and loading tubes do not apply.

III.         It is prohibited to bend barrels to alter their point of aim.


c) Flintlock Rifles

A flint rifle is any original muzzle loading rifle fitted with a flintlock ignition system, with contemporary sights for use in competitions No’s. 2, 26, 36, and 42.

i.           Open or aperture sights (including modern made reproduction sights) are permitted providing their design is consistent with the period of manufacture (up to 1850) and appropriate to the firearm.


No 1 Miquelet
A) Firearm: Military smooth bore flintlock musket
B) Sights: Original pattern sights. No rear sight
C) Target: MLAIC C200 meters rifle target
D) Position: Standing
E) Distance: 50 meters
F) Bullet: Round ball only
G) Cleaning: Not permitted
H) Funnel: Short tube

No 2 Maximilian
A) Firearm: Free flintlock rifle, any calibre
B) Sights: Contemporary sights, including original style reproduction sights
C) Target: MLAIC C50 metres pistol target
D) Position: Prone
E) Distance: 100 metres
F) Bullet: Round ball only
G) Cleaning: Permitted
H) Funnel: Permitted


No 3 Minie
A) Firearm: Military percussion rifle over 13.5 mm (.5315″) bore
B) Sights: Original pattern sights
C) Target: MLAIC C50 metres pistol target
D) Position: Prone
E) Distance: 100 metres
F) Bullet: Original style bullets associated with that military rifle.
G) Cleaning: Not permitted
H) Funnel: Short tube


No 4 Whitworth
A) Firearm: Free percussion rifles (not qualifying for No 3 Minie)
B) Sights: Contemporary sights, including original style reproduction sights. Aperture sights (Front and rear permitted) if consistent with the period.
C) Target: MLAIC C50 metres pistol target
D) Position: Prone
E) Distance: 100 metres
F) Bullet: Round ball or any type of elongated bullet
G) Cleaning: Permitted
H) Funnel: Permitted


No 8 Walkyrie
A) Firearm: Free or military percussion rifles
B) Sights: According to Free or Military rifle rules
C) Target: MLAIC C50 metres pistol target
D) Position: Prone
E) Distance: 100 metres
F) Bullet: Round ball or any type of elongated bullet
G) Cleaning: Permitted
H) Funnel: Permitted


No 14 Tanegashima 

A) Firearm: Cheek stock smooth bore matchlock muskets of any calibre.
B) Sights: Contemporary sights
C) Target: MLAIC C200 metres rifle target.
D) Position: Standing
E) Distance: 50 metres
F) Bullet: Round ball only
G) Cleaning: Permitted
H) Funnel: Permitted


No 15 Vetterli
A) Firearm: Any matchlock or flintlock musket; any flintlock or percussion rifle
B) Sights: According to the rules for each class
C) Target: MLAIC C50 meters pistol target
D) Position: Standing
E) Distance: 50 meters
F) Bullet: Round ball or any type of elongated bullet
G) Cleaning: Permitted
H) Funnel: Permitted

No 16 Hizadai
A) Firearm: Cheek stock smooth bore matchlock muskets of any calibre in original class. Free smooth bore matchlock muskets of any calibre in reproduction class.
B) Sights: Contemporary sights including original style reproduction sights.
C) Target: MLAIC C200 metres rifle target.
D) Position: Kneeling.
E) Distance: 50 metres.
F) Bullet: Round ball only
G) Cleaning: Permitted
H) Funnel: Permitted


No 36 Pennsylvania
A) Firearm: Free flintlock rifle, any caliber
B) Sights: Contemporary sights, including original style reproduction sights
C) Target: MLAIC C50 meters pistol target
D) Position: Standing
E) Distance: 50 meters
F) Bullet: Round ball only
G) Cleaning: Permitted
H) Funnel: Permitted

No 37 Lamarmora
A) Firearm: Military percussion rifle over 13.5 mm (.5315) bore
B) Sights: Original pattern sights (with minor alterations permitted)
C) Target: MLAIC C50 meters pistol target
D) Position: Standing
E) Distance: 50 meters.
F) Bullet: Original style bullets associated with that military rifle.
G) Cleaning: Not permitted
H) Funnel: Short tube


No 55 Trapper ( Historical military and civilian shooting events)

A Firearms: Percussion or flintlock rifle

B) Sights: Original pattern open rear sights, post or blade front sights, no tunnels

C) Target: MLAIC C50 metres pistol target

D) Position: Standing, offhand  “support arm far from body”

E) Distance: 50 metres

F) Bullet: Round ball only

G) Cleaning: Not permitted

H) Funnel: Short tube

I) Special: The use of modern shooting jacket, shooting gloves, shooting trousers, shooting boots are forbidden. Modern type shooting glasses are permitted provided they have a plain lens

e) Pistols and Revolvers

It is permitted to use any original pistol or revolver with contemporary sights in competitions Nos. 5, 6, 7, 18, 23, 25, 30, 38 and 41, subject to the following -

i)              Rifled single shot percussion pistols, eligible for competition No’s 6 and 18, shall have sights contemporary to the 19th Century, i.e.:

ii.             aa) front-sights shall be pinhead, narrow blade of a maximum width of 2.03 mm (.080), narrow pyramid or similar, but not broad modern pistol type

iii.           bb) rear-sights shall have V or U form sight notches.

ii)            The front sights of original revolvers, eligible for competition No’s 7, 23, 30 and 38, may be of any height to assist aiming at 25 or 50 metres, provided that the original profile is retained.

iii)          It is prohibited to bend barrels to alter their point of aim.

iv)          Modern style pistol sights are not permitted


No 5 Cominazzo
A) Pistol: Free single shot smooth bore flintlock. Minimum bore diameter 11 mm (.433)
B) Sights: Contemporary sights
C) Target: MLAIC C50 meters pistol target
D) Position: Standing
E) Distance: 25 metres
F) Bullet: Round ball only

G) Cleaning: Permitted

H) Funnel: Permitted

No 6 Kuchenreuter

A) Pistol: Free single shot percussion pistol, rifled, any calibre

B) Sights: 19th century contemporary sights

C) Target: MLAIC C50 metre pistol target

D) Position: Standing

E) Distance: 25 metres

F) Bullet: Round ball only

G) Special: Replica underhammer and replica side-lock pistols shall compete in separate divisions at the World Championships, and at any Zone Championship or Grand   Prix event with more than 20 competitors in Kuchenreuter R. If there are fewer competitors, or at other competitions held using MLAIC rules, the division into separate underhammer and side-lock divisions shall be at the option of the match organizers.

H) Cleaning: Permitted

I) Funnel: Permitted

No 7 Colt

A) Free percussion revolvers (civilian or military), originals only!

B) Sights: Contemporary sights. Height of fore-sight unlimited but profile shall be of original style

C) Target: MLAIC C50 metre pistol target

D) Position: Standing

E) Distance: 25 metres

F) Bullet: Round ball or picket bullet

G) Cleaning: Permitted

H) Funnel: Permitted



c.) To prevent the use of revolvers as single shot pistols in revolver events, competitors shall load at least five chambers for each of the first two scoring strings.

d.) Loading of all revolvers, other than the Adams type pistols without ramrod, shall be accomplished with the cylinder in the revolver.


No 12 Mariette
A) Pistol: Free percussion revolvers,
B) Sights: Contemporary sights. Height of fore-sight unlimited but profile shall be of original style
C) Target: MLAIC C50 meters pistol target
D) Position: Standing
E) Distance: 25 meters
F) Bullet: Round ball or picket bullet

G) Cleaning: Permitted

H) Funnel: Permitted



c.) To prevent the use of revolvers as single shot pistols in revolver events, competitors shall load at least five chambers for each of the first two scoring strings.

d.) Loading of all revolvers, other than the Adams type pistols without ramrod, shall be accomplished with the cylinder in the revolver.


No 28 Tanzutsu
A) Pistol: Free matchlock pistols, smooth bore, Japanese type, any calibre, European type, large bore as per originals.
B) Sights: Contemporary sights. Profile shall be of original style
C) Target: MLAIC C50 metre pistol target
D) Position: Standing
E) Distance: 25 metres
F) Bullet: Round ball only


8.4 Junior events

No. 92 Vetterli Youth

No. 93 Kuchenreuter Youth

No. 94 Mariette Youth


Nederlandse disciplines (KNSA) welke geschoten kunnen worden


No. 54 Webley

A Revolver: Elk type achterlaadrevolver, ontworpen voor het gebruik van zwartkruit-patronen, model van vóór 1900, kaliber minimaal .22CF (5,6 mm), met uitzondering van kaliber .22 randvuur.

B Vizierring: Originele richtmiddelen of replica's naar origineel model. Korrelhoogte vrij maar profiel naar origineel model.

C Schijf: ISSF 50-meter pistoolschijf.

D Houding: Staand.

E Afstand: 25 meter


Om onduidelijkheid te voorkomen hoe het wapen geladen moest worden gedurende een wedstrijd is door de voorzitter LTC HW gemeld dat voor Webley het laden gelijk is aan Mariette/Colt. (SWR deel 7 punt 1.6 en regelement MLAIC punt 4.7 (c)). Voor de duidelijkheid gedurende de serie eerste twee keer minimaal 5 kamers geladen. Het olie schot mag apart worden geladen.


N° 55 Twigg

A Pistool: Elk type enkelschots achterlaadpistool in patent- en/of  centraalvuurontsteking, ontworpen voor het gebruik van zwartkruit patronen, model van vóór 1900, kaliber minimaal .22CF (5,6 mm), met uitzondering van kaliber .22” randvuur.

B Vizierring: Originele richtmiddelen of replica's naar origineel model. Korrelhoogte vrij maar profiel naar origineel model.

C Schijf: ISSF 50-meter pistoolschijf.

D Houding: Staand.

E Afstand: 25 meter.


No. 56 Pope

A Geweer: Elk type enkelloops achterlaad-kogelgeweer met getrokken loop, zowel enkelschots als repeterend, ontworpen voor het gebruik van zwartkruit-patronen, model van vóór 1900, kaliber minimaal .22CF (5,6 mm), met uitzondering van kaliber .22” randvuur.

B Vizierring: Originele richtmiddelen of replica's naar origineel model. Korrelhoogte vrij maar profiel naar origineel model. Diopter en ringkorrel toegestaan, indien origineel van model.

C Schijf: ISSF 50-meter pistoolschijf.

D Houding: Staand.

E Afstand: 50 meter.

F Categorie: Junioren, Senioren, Veteranen.


No. 57 Dreyse

A Geweer: Elk type militair enkelloops achterlaadgeweer, zowel enkelschots als repeterend, in de uitvoering zoals die bij enig land met dat kaliber en die hulsvorm in gebruik is geweest, ontworpen voor het gebruik van zwartkruit patronen, model van vóór 1900, kaliber 8 mm (.323") of groter.

B Vizierring: Originele richtmiddelen of replica's naar origineel model. Korrelhoogte vrij maar profiel naar origineel model.

C Schijf: ISSF 50-meter pistoolschijf.

D Houding: Staand.

E Afstand: 50 meter.

F Het is niet toegestaan om de loop gedurende de serie te wissen.

G Een trekkerversneller is niet toegestaan.

H Categorie: Junioren, Senioren, Veteranen.


N° 58 Creedmoor

A Geweer: Elk type enkelloops achterlaad-kogelgeweer met getrokken loop, zowel enkelschots als repeterend, ontworpen voor het gebruik van zwartkruit patronen, model van vóór 1900, kaliber minimaal .22CF (5,6 mm), met uitzondering van kaliber .22” randvuur.

B Vizierring: Originele richtmiddelen of replica's naar origineel model. Korrelhoogte vrij maar profiel naar origineel model. Diopter en ringkorrel toegestaan, voor zover origineel van model.

C Schijf: ISSF 50-meter pistoolschijf.

D Houding: Liggend.

E Afstand: 100 meter.


N° 59 Beaumont

A Geweer: Elk type enkelloops militair achterlaadgeweer, zowel enkelschots als repeterend, in de uitvoering zoals die bij enig land met dat kaliber en die hulsvorm in gebruik is geweest, ontworpen voor het gebruik van zwartkruit patronen, model van vóór 1900, kaliber 8 mm (.323") of groter.

B Vizierring: Originele richtmiddelen of replica's naar origineel model. Korrelhoogte vrij maar profiel naar origineel model.

C Schijf: ISSF 50-meter pistoolschijf.

D Houding: Liggend.

E Afstand: 100 meter.

F Het is niet toegestaan om de loop gedurende de serie te wissen.

G Een trekkerversneller is niet toegestaan.


Deze website heeft geen officiële binding met de KNSA maar heeft tot doel schutters in de historische wapengroep uit district 3 beter te informeren over AK, DK, Ranking en afdelingscompetities in district 3 waardoor het enthousiasme en de wedstrijd deelname toeneemt. Tevens zal algemene informatie over Historische wapens hierop worden geplaatst.